Best Payday Loan Apps 2022

Best Payday Loan Apps 2022

When you're living paycheck to paycheck, surprise expenses arising out of the blue can throw your plans off. The finest cash advance applications are an excellent short-term fix for such financial issues. Borrowing money and repaying it with a later paycheck is a frequent technique to come up with surprise bills until the next pay period. You can acquire quick money before your next payday with both short-term payday loans and cash advance apps. Unfortunately, most lenders usually charge high APRs when it comes to payday lending, which may lead to rollovers by accumulating more debt.

Cash advance apps are a modern trend, much like payday financing, deliver immediate cash advance until your next paycheck but charge less or none. Rather than interest rates and credit-related charges, the app's owners profit through voluntary "tip" payments or registration fees. Cash advance applications are becoming more popular due to cheaper expenses, which may result from stagnant salaries and financial troubles caused by the coronavirus outbreak.


Earnin is one of the most popular mobile applications offering cash almost instantly. Similar to payday loans, you pay back cash upon your next paycheck. However, unlike payday advances, Earnin doesn't charge any interest or fees. 

Earnin integrates customers' checking accounts with their payment schedules when they join the program. The app tracks the time length users spend at their workplace via GPS on their phone or allows them to complete a timesheet to compute their productivity. The pay rate is then calculated depending on the amount of money received through direct deposit by the user.

In simple terms, Earnin allows you to withdraw the next paycheck that your employer should pay at the end of the month. Once you get your paycheck, the mobile app debits your bank account for the amount you borrowed. If you are new, you can get only $100 per day. The maximum amount you may qualify for is $500, but only after you have established a track record of using the program.


Dave may be an excellent choice to assist you if overdraft charges are causing you financial hardship. Dave's software scans for possible overdrafts, such as a pending expense, and sets alerts when your account goes into overdraft. The program also includes a spending summary, which is your budget that considers income and previous expenses to forecast how much money users have available to spend.

Dave can grant you small-dollar advances if you have no funds to tackle unanticipated expenses. It calculates the maximum borrowing amount based on your ability to repay the loan on your next payment. The interest-free financing is intended to be repaid as soon as your next paycheck arrives. 

Dave can also assist users in finding a passive income in the gig economy aside from their regular employment. This is a great feature since getting extra money between monthly paychecks may help ease the need for short-term financing, thus paying extra interest and charges. 

Dave's subscription is $1 monthly, but customers are allowed to contribute tips to express their appreciation. Moreover, you may opt for Dave's spending account and get your paycheck into a bank account two days early. The maximum amount you may qualify for is $250, allowing you to mind small gaps when something unexpected happens. 


Brigit is another software that aids in budgeting and provides small-dollar advances to make ends meet. To get cash advances through Bright, you must authorize an application to access your bank account with at least 60 days of activity. However, your account must have a good balance with a minimum of three payroll deposits. A Brigit rating is computed based on your spending records, and the app uses it to evaluate whether you are eligible for fast cash. Similar to Dave, the maximum amount you may get via Bright is $250, payable upon your next paycheck.


Current is an online checking account proposed to help people save money on fees and manage finances more wisely. Current offers free-of-charge services you may easily opt for; however, there are some additional features, such as overdraft protection, which you have to pay extra ($4.99 per month). With a premium subscription package, direct deposits are available to receive much quicker, plus you won't have to pay overdraft charges. Current also promptly relieves authorization holds, which generally put a freeze on your account for up to ten days. The hold is released, and cash is returned to your account. Current offers a $25 overdraft for new account holders, but you may increase your borrowing limit to $200 over time. 


MoneyLion offers interest-free cash advances and quick, direct payments to assist users in meeting surprise expenses between paychecks. Customers with monthly direct deposits can use the "instacash" option to get free-interest advances to address unforeseen needs. Cash advances of up to $25 are accessible initially, but users may qualify for up to $250. MoneyLion does not have any mandatory fees. Users can pay an extra fee to have their "instacash" transfers processed faster.

MoneyLion also features a RoarMoney account, which is supposed to obtain faster direct transfers and access the maximum financing amounts. However, a monthly fee of $1 is charged for a RoarMoney subscription.

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